Monday, January 26, 2009

Utah ranks pretty well

This morning had interesting rankings of each state based on their unemployment rates, state budget deficits, and foreclosure rates. It is an interesting snapshot of how each state compares with the rest. Here they are.

Utah's unemployment rate is well below the national average. A recent post of a Salt Lake Tribune article tells the whole story.

I believe the Utah budget deficit is something like $1.8 billion. This chart would be more effective if they had shown the deficit as a percentage of the total budget. That would be more helpful as a comparison tool to see which states (big or small) were looking at the hardest hits.

I was glad to see Utah is lower on the foreclosure scale though we're obviously feeling some of the pain. I expect we'll continue to see a rise in foreclosures but I don't see us moving high in the state rankings.

Overall, Utah is feeling some pain but is not as bad as others or as the nation as a whole.

More to come.


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